This is a place where we will try and answer the most common questions that we get asked here at Toms Paddock. If you find that we have not answered your own question. Please fill out the contact form and ask us your question we would love to here from you and answer your questions.
If you have any questions about our farm, techniques, products or other please use the message service below
Yes, we do.
Its a work in progress for the moment you can just fill out the form but clicking on the subsribe Now Box. When we have it up and running, you will get sent information about the many things that go on at Tom’s Paddock including events coming up on the farm, specials from the farm shop, a summary of the best content of the month events coming up next month and some extra goodies for subscribers.

At Tom’s Paddock we appreciate that nature creates variety. This is why you can expect to see the natural variations in egg size, colour and shape in our dozens. On average our dozens are 750g. They are not graded in to weight categories.