Paddock Beef

At our farm we are 100% committed to providing you with beef that is highly nutritious, free from growth hormones, antibiotics and genetically modified organisms. Our Beef grown on pastures free from herbicides and synthetic fertilizer, and is clean and safe for your family to enjoy.

Our cows rotate each day to fresh pasture. This mimics natural herbivore behavior, whilst promoting a rich multi-species perennial pasture that provides our animals with a varied diet, high in vitamins and minerals. They are what they eat.

Long periods of rest allow grasses to fully express themselves putting their roots deep down, adding carbon to the soil and feeding the soil biology that sustains them and us.

“I understand that Cows are slow ponderous thinkers so we handle our cattle gently. You can be assured that our cattle lead a contented low-stress life.” Tom Abbottsmith Youl

Artificial insemination is not a practice we use, our mothers’ breed with real bulls. Nursing their calves from birth and weaning them when they are ready.

This is simply the best beef that you can buy for your family.


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